Experience Finland – Summer Joys

Experience Finland – Summer Joys -tapahtuma on portti kansainväliseen matkailumyyntiin.
Tuomme esille Suomen ainutlaatuisia elämyksiä, sillä vaikka kuva kertoisikin tuhat sanaa, kokemus tulee itse kokea.
Tapahtuma esittelee alueenne elämystuotteita suoraan matkaräätälöitsijöille, matkatoimistoille, DMC-yrityksille, incoming-toimijoille ja muille kansainvälisille ostajille. Experience Finland – Summer Joys -tapahtuma koostuu kahdesta osasta: FAM trip -osiossa vierailemme alueellanne tutustumassa elämyspalveluihin. Myyntitapahtumassa pääsette todelliseen myyntityöhön: tapaamaan kansainväliset ostajat kasvokkain.
Tänä vuonna myyntitapahtuma järjestetään Uudenmaan alueella. Kutsumme myyjiksi alueorganisaatioita vastaamaan alueen elämystuotteista ja vieraista alueenne kiertueen ajaksi.
Alueorganisaatiot voivat tuoda alueensa ohjelmapalveluyrityksiä mukaan infotilaisuuteen.
Ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan aukeaa tammikuussa.
Tule sinäkin mukaan!
Travel Services Provider
Experience Finland
6th and 7th of may 2024
Experience Finland – Summer Joys is an event that works as a gateway to Finnish tourism activities.
We showcase unique regional tourism activities in a neatly packed FAM trip. The event showcases culture, nature and history products directly to buyers. We warmly welcoem tour operators, travel agencies, DMC, incoming operators, and other large-scale buyers to this event, which is free of charge for buyers.
Experience Finland – Summer Joys event consists of two parts. In the FAM trip section, we travel to different DMO areas and familiarize ourselves with Finnish activities in multiple different areas. In the sales event, you will engage in real sales work, meeting international buyers face-to-face.
We will highlight Finland's unique experiences because while a picture might tell a thousand words, the experience must be lived to truly tell the tale.
This year, the event and tour will take place around Helsinki and its neighbouring cities, all within a short drive from the Vantaa airport or Helsinki harbours.
See you on the FAM trip on May 6th 2024!
FAM trip – May 6th and 7th 2024
Sales event – May 7th 2024
FAM trip:
starts on the 6th of May at 8:00 at
Pilot Airport Hotel
Sales event:
Held on the 7th of May at 14:15 –19:15 in
Sunday, May 5th 2024 (Optional)
You can arrive at our partner Pilot Airport Hotel which offers complimentary rooms for buyers.
Monday, May 6th 2024, FAM trip
06:55 – 07:05 Bus transfer from Pilot Airport Hotel to Skyline Airport Hotel.
07:00 – 07:50 Breakfast at the Skyline Airport Hotel.
08:00 – 08:30 The FAM trip begins with a presentation of the Airport Hotel concept.
08:30 – 10:00 Bus transfer.
10:00 – 12:30 Visit Lahti DMO region experiences.
12:30 – 14:20 Bus transfer.
14:20 – 17:00 Visit Kotka-Hamina DMO region experiences and lunch.
17:00 – 18:00 Bus transfer.
18:00 – 21:00 Visit Porvoo DMO region experiences and get-together dinner.
19:30 – 21:00 Get-together dinner at the hotel with buyers and selected suppliers in Haikkoo Kartano.
Overnight stay at the luxurious Runo Hotel.
Tuesday, May 7th 2024
07:00 – 8:45 Breakfast at the Runo Hotel.
08:45 – 10:45 Bus transfer.
10:45 – 14:00 Visit Espoo DMO region experiences.
13:00 – 14:00 Spectacular open-fire outdoor lunch with selected suppliers and buyers.
12:00 – 14:00 Registration of Suppliers.
14:00 – 14:15 Registration of Buyers.
14:15 – 19:15 Workshop begins at the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia.
16:00 – 19:15 Workshop continues.
19:15 Workshop ends.
19:20 Transfer to Helsinki-Vantaa airport, to Skyline Airport Hotel and Helsinki city centre.
Tuesday, May 7th 2024 (Optional)
Overnight stay at Original Sokos Hotel President, which offers complimentary rooms for buyers.
Suppliers Register Here
DMO and activity or experience organizations:
Price 910 € per organization
Optional costs:
Get-together dinner 64,50 €
Lunch before the workshop 30,00 €
All prices are subject to applicable VAT.
Please contact directly to
Aleksi Pitkänen
+358 40 7668135
Buyers Register here
Please note that there will be 30 places available on a first come first served basis and that the last sign-up day is the 25th of April 2024.
The FAM trip and sales event is free of charge for buyers.